
Discover the genius strategy that will shape your Brand into The Most Expensive In Your Niche

Attract your luxury-level clients now!

 As Seen In


You CAN Sell $100K, $250K + Million Dollar Offers Consistently…

Especially in times like these


It’s like we have already met. You’re an entrepreneur who has created a “successful” business. You’re extraordinarily talented and gifted at your craft.  You’re not sitting quietly on the sidelines or waiting for your chance. You’re an action-taker, a do-er, filled with ambition.

That “successful” business of yours - is it really giving YOU what you know you’re meant for?  Is it really giving your CLIENTS unforgettable impact?  Are you really showcasing your brilliance?

The fact that you’re “successful” but not at the heights you’re truly seeking isn’t your fault.  

Any MBA program, coaching Mastermind or business strategist will probably teach you to start at the bottom and work your way up.

They’ll tell you that you need to validate an offer at the lower end of the market.  You need to dabble and test and bide your time.



There’s a whole bunch of people in the world who SHOULD follow a mainstream business strategy.

But. Not. You!


If you’re gifted…

If you get extraordinary outcomes...

If you’re ready to take brave action…

Then it’s time to level up your business strategy in a different way.

In a way that allows you to charge BRAVE prices.  $100K, $250K, $350K for ONE offer.  Making a multi-million dollar business VERY. EASY. TO. ACHIEVE.

And, getting the impact you’re looking for too.

And the best bit? You can apply this new strategy in almost every niche. I have clients in interior design, medical and health, coaching and consulting, property and real estate, events, wealth and so many more areas, selling at this level.

When they understood this new methodology, they realized they were able to FINALLY be properly compensated for their talents . . . and also have the impact they have always wanted. 

It’s time for you to stop playing small and charge your worth.


Because I know that’s what you are.


The Most Potent Business Strategy to Shape Your Brand into The Most Dominant, Expensive brand in your niche.

Discover How My Clients are Leveraging a Luxury Business Strategy to Create Multi-Million Dollar Offers and Extraordinary Impact.


My name is Kathryn Porritt, and I’m the world’s leading strategist for premium and ultra-premium offers for brands utilizing a luxury business model . I’ve proven the Laws of Luxury can be successfully applied to any niche and any market, if executed properly.

Together with my team, I help businesses worldwide create and sell $100K, $250K, and $1M packages. 

My expertise is in luxury business strategy leading to my clients selling Premium and Ultra-Premium packages to their dream clients.  They are entrepreneurs, experts and CEOs looking to create a potent impact.

I’ve founded and run two multi-million dollar global companies. And I authored a book with Penguin-Viking.

My company, Luxissima, consults to maverick business owners who create a disruptive legacy and a powerful brand - becoming the Most Expensive in their niche. 

And the brands we work with undergo incredible transformations. Our clients are able to dominate their niche, create a truly joyful business, and be paid what they are truly worth, as the best at what they do.

 Our eclectic clientele ranges from diverse niches such as interior designers, medical practices, property developers, event managers, retailers, photographers, consultants . . . from all around the world.

Guess what? If our clients can do it, the opportunity is there for you too.

Someone is going to be the most expensive… It may as well be you.


Kathryn works with a handful of private clients who she consults to on becoming the most expensive brand in your niche.

She also has a new program: Become the Most Expensive Strategic Boardroom which is accepting applications for foundation members now. 

When you work privately with Kathryn you’ll become an expert in the Laws of Luxury, bringing your vision to life becoming the Most Expensive and getting the range of impact you desire.